
連續3天下午都喝starbucks咖啡...引發了想來查詢一些與"咖啡"相關的英文單字..呵呵! 下一張(熱鍵:c)


Lait(法文)=Latte(義大利文)  都是牛奶的意思! 

caffÈ Latte   ---  Espresso with steamed milk and in some shops, a small cap of foam. It has less foam than a cappuccino.

cafÉ au lait --- Coffee and heated milk in latte proportions, but using 'regular' coffee (a.k.a. "American filter coffee")  instead of espresso.

espresso --- A 1-2 ounce drink made in by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. 

cappuccino --- A shot of espresso with the remainder being 50% steamed milk and 50% milk foam/froth. An alternative description is 1/3 espresso,  1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 foamed milk. 

mocha --- a combination of coffee and chocolate

caffeine ---  a substance in tea, coffee, and some other drinks that makes you feel more active

coffee grinder ---  a small machine that crushes coffee beans


brownie ---  a thick flat chocolate cake

waffle --- a flat cake, marked with a pattern of deep squares

=> 一格格的那種 - (用機器烤的)有時上面會加些蜂蜜、水果、鮮奶油....

muffin --- a small, usually sweet cake that sometimes has small pieces of fruit in it

=> 鬆鬆的小蛋糕 , 有時上面也會加些水果

pancake ---  thin flat round cake made from flour, milk, and eggs, that has been cooked in a flat pan and is eaten hot

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